Eρώτηση μπόνους:
Παιχνίδια με το καζίνο Πάρνηθας
Κώστας Αλατζάς - 31/08/2007, ΣΚΑΙ 100.3
Η απόφαση ελήφθη μετά από πρόταση του δασαρχείου Πάρνηθας.
Η οικολογική οργάνωση "Νέες Δρυάδες" με σημερινή επιστολή της προς το δασαρχείο, ζητάει να αναθεωρήσει την πρότασή του.
Επισημαίνει ότι η απόκτηση της ιδιότητας του τουριστικού κτήματος, βάσει της νομοθεσίας, δεν αποτελεί λόγο εξαίρεσης της έκτασης από την αναδάσωση.
ΥΓ. Η απαντήσεις θα προωθηθούν στον κ. Κοντομηνά που έχει επικυρήξει τους εμπρηστές με 1.000.000 ευρώ.
Μετά φταίνε οι άλλοι που πήγαν να πετάξουν μπογιές... περισσότερο προκλητικοί μπορούν να γίνουν;
Το άφησα και αλλού:
Διαβάστε, όπου βρείτε τον Μιχ. Δεκλερή, σήμερα Επ. Αντιπρόεδρο ΣτΕ, και ως το 2001 πρόεδρο του Ε΄ τμήματός του (στην αρμοδιότητά του τα περιβαλλοντικά).
Επαναλαμβάνει εδώ και χρόνια τα σχετικά με τις δασοκτόνες πελατειακές σχέσεις των κομάτων κλπ. κλπ. Ήταν το τμήμα που κόντραρε επί χρόνια τις κυβερνήσεις, προστατεύοντας το περιβάλλον, ώσπου το ΠΑΣΟΚ (νομίζω ο Λαλιώτης) του αφαίρεσε αρκετές από τις συναφείς αρμοδιότητες, περνώντας τα σχετικά θέματα, από άλλα πιο ‘φιλικά’ τμήματα του ΣΤΕ.
Δίνω δύο τρία links, αλλά στο google υπάρχουν πλήθος:
I want everyone to know that the person who posted as "Kat Christopher" is not me; it's an impersonator. My moniker is CaliforniaKat or just Kat; anyone who knows me is aware of this. I would appreciate if you could delete this or not accept comments from this person again.
Done. Too bad it was a good article by the way. I am a little confused as to what happened here. Anyway ...
So if I post like Kat Cat or Flying Kat or what ever, should also be deleted because it COULD be CaliforniaKat? As you said it was a good post, and below it, was CaliforniaKat's post informing everyone that the post wasn't his. Where is the problem and the post should be deleted?
OK, some Kat posted, and the real Kat complained about it.
OK, here is the article that is posted in the real Kat's site, which I think is excellent. (And I added a link to the Kat-blog).
You go Kat! No more Kat problems please!
A to Z of healing & creating a safer Greece
August 31, 2007 at 7:28 pm · Filed under greece, Politics, Environment
If the government can turn this red flag into an opportunity to change and reform — and residents of Greece keep constant pressure on them — I believe Greece can recover and prevent future wildfires, which would enable its people, the economy and the environment to heal.
- Emergency aid of 3,000 per home and 10,000 per life is available through banks and municipalities. Call ‘1555′ for information and assistance.
- Abuses have already been reported, with non-victims making multiple claims in several villages, however the Economy Ministry has tried to resolve this by requesting additional documents, making arrests and implementing a 5-year jail sentence. It amazes me that something like this can happen in a country renowned for its gauntlet of bureaucracy
- Simplifying processes to be more straightforward, while keeping reasonably strict checks in place, so honest people in need get the attention and assistance they deserve and fraudsters are kept at bay
- This country is still learning efficiency, so please be patient (however painful): When an Albanian woman working at a hotel was killed, the body of a Greek woman was mistakenly sent to Albania for burial to the horror of her relatives, who had to return the body and order an investigation.
Claim EU funds
- Since 2000, Greece has 24 million for forest protection, 9 million for the Seih-Sou forest near Thessaloniki (which burned down this weekend) and 80 percent of 91.6 million for environmental projects — all unclaimed
- This is in addition to the 120 million we pay in taxes annually
- A economy minister flew to Brussels and requested emergency aid, and secured 200 million now for the regeneration of and 400 million to follow later (this is in addition to 4 million from Australia, 70 million from Greek banks, 950,000 from the USA and 720,000 from China, 500,000 from the Church of Greece). I desperately hope that this aid will be used appropriately and not fall victim to corruptive ills.
Don’t give in to unjustified claims
- Conspiracy: It’s amusingly sad and frightening to hear a prime minister speak about such things, especially since there’s no proof that Turks, Americans or Albanians want to destabilize or undermine Greece…seriously, what would they have to gain? (i.e. Did Sakis Rouvas place second at Eurovision in Turkey because of some destabilizing plot? No, he just didn’t shake it hard enough or something — did you see him fall at Athens 2004?).
- Terrorism: There is a huge difference between real terrorism and speculative claims based on two cell phones or a few small-time criminals who are angry and seek an outlet for their frustration. i.e. The American Embassy was hit by a rocket; it’s not terrorism, it’s a rocket.
- Arson: Though there is some basis to such claims, the 23 people arrested back in July after the first spate of blazes were not charged or prosecuted, and evidence must be produced to convict. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. (Would you want someone to blame you without having the chance to defend yourself?)
Equipment maintenance
- Fire trucks, equipment and communication need to be updated, checked and maintained on a regular basis to respond quickly and efficiently, without waiting for backup or wasting precious time
- Extinguishing blazes in Parnitha, Penteli and Pelion encountered challenges due to faltering equipment
Forest registry
- Greece remains the only country in the EU without a forest registry, and needs one desperately, along with updated maps
- Without them, the State cannot prosecute those who illegally seize and develop property after forested areas have been cleared
- There are an estimated 100,000 illegal homes, with 70-80 percent in Attica
Green areas
- Instead of creating a giant park in Helleniko, which won’t even be complete until 2012, spread green areas around cities like Thessaloniki, Athens, Argos and Larisa.
- Green areas provide oxygen and cooling while dispersing pollution, making them easier to create on a small scale and spreading a lesser amount of responsibility/cost to local governments
- Not flicking cigarettes out the car window or dropping them on the ground near dried vegetation or paper can go a long way (even in urban areas)
- Use roasting fires and campfires responsibility: Clear dried vegetation from the surrounding area, have a fire extinguisher nearby and keep an eye on ash or other burning debris
- Don’t burn garbage
- In rural areas, make a habit of trimming trees/clearing forest floors or ask municipalities for assistance
- Homes that were leveled will be rebuilt by the State
- Homeowners with partial damage will be compensated 50 percent by a State subsidy and 50 percent in an interest-free loan
- It is vitally important to support people who choose to live outside city limits since big city ills would only worsen with increased migration and crowding (pollution, traffic, strained public services, jobs)
- Residents who live near forests already provide vital firefighting support and services, and it’s important to recognize their contribution by increasing salaries, making them full-time employees and providing them with proper equipment and protective clothing
- Unemployment is high and parks/firefighting services are understaffed. Kill two birds with one stone.
- People are eager to learn, provide assistance and get paid while protecting their country
- Volunteers would appreciate being paid employees, even if it’s a wage without benefits since many already have day jobs
- People in rural or island locations need fire kits
- A small investment in providing supplies, or a reimbursement program for those who get fire extinguishers, a water reserve with hose/pump, wool blankets, ladder, rakes, brooms, boots and a first aid kit could go a long way in saving lives and homes, while also saving the State’s money in the long-term
Lease or purchase aircraft
- Instead of making several passes with smaller Canadairs, a better buy and more effective aircraft is the Russian Beriev because it can drop 12 tonnes of water at one time
- Local government has the power to act without assistance or prior consent of the State; these are community heroes
- Be active in and support your community, call the municipality with concerns
No shame in asking
- If you or someone you know is unsure of something, ask someone or a higher authority or get on the Internet to find the answer.
- Where is the stupidity in saving a home or someone’s life?
Ounce of prevention, worth a pound in cure
- It’s a different way of thinking and its obstacle is culture and tradition
Push an agenda
- If you believe in something or have knowledge to share, do so gently and choose a time when someone is ready to listen
- Be relentless with local and State governments when it comes to advocating the greater good and improving the community
- Never be afraid to question the State, your local government, public services
- A minimum of 5,000 hectares of new growth is required to keep level; double or triple is needed to compensate for past losses
- Plant Your Roots in Greece
- Cleanup Greece
- Promised reforestation of Parnitha’s century-old pines upon consultation with experts
Sensors and cameras
- In the 1980s, Pasok entertained the idea of placing heat sensors and cameras in forests, but never followed through.
- Since the Athens 2004 Olympics, there is a 250 million security system that can now be converted or moved to accomplish this
- In the media, there were comments made by firefighters than there were finally some professionals who knew what they were doing with help arrived from neighboring EU countries
- The people of Greece are eager and able to learn if someone would teach and train them
- Bring in professionals from other countries, if there is a shortage of experienced staff within the country
Unite forest and fire services
- In the 1990s, the forest and fire services were split, making hierarchy fuzzy and dividing an otherwise unified force; earlier this year, the public minister entertained the idea of reuniting them, but never did
- Clearly these forces are better together than apart since forest services tend to prevention and have essential knowledge about forested areas, and firefighters need this information to effectively extinguish a fast-moving wildfire
Vegetation and forest floor clearing
- Instead of dumping fresh water from the sewage plant of Psyttaleia into the ocean, it could be reserved for fighting fires
eXodus of Vyron Polydoras
- He ordered that firefighting aircraft not use water on Parnitha to avoid power line failure, even though the PPC had turned that grid off
- He decided against the purchase of firefighting aircraft to expand the fleet, calling them cost-prohibitive and unprofitable
- He is unreachable when local governments request urgent help
- He stated that there was better advanced planning this year for the fire season
- He refused to sign a bilateral accord with Russia that offered Greece firefighting manpower, aircraft, supplies and maintenance with shared costs
whY not volunteer
- Forest Protection Volunteers of Attica (EDASA), 12 Ag. Konstantinou Street, 104 31 Omonia, Tel: (210) 520-0680. E-mail: edasa@otenet.gr or skrem@panteion.gr
Ζωα (Animals)
- Last but not least, animals are affected by drastic events like fires and the devastation of their natural environment, food and water sources
- Two organizations I respect after having consistently positive personal experiences are: Arcturos and MEDSOS
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«Όχι τυχαίες» οι φωτιές
Σχέδιο πολιτικής αποσταθεροποίησης «βλέπει» ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος πίσω από τις πυρκαγιές
Τί, τσάμπα τα πήρε τα 30 εκατομμύρια ο κος Παρασκευαϊδης ? Πρέπει να βγάλει το μεροκάματο κι αυτός ...
αφού ρε φίλε δεν είσαι πασοκ τι ανακατεύεσαι στον καυγά τους.Αν είχες ήθος και εντιμότητα αυτό θα έκανες.α ναι να μη το το ξεχάσω .1 ώρα πριν πάω στο αεροδρόμιο πάω στη τουαλέτα εγώ.Πτήση είναι αυτή....μη με πιάσει κανένα κόψιμο.....!Τότε σου ήρθε εσένα να στέλνεις μπλογκς.....!Το ένα επαινετικόν,το άλλο επικριτικόν.....!!!!!Μου φαίνεται χρησιμοποιείς τα μπλογκς για προπαγάνδα και μόνο.....Α και κάτι άλλο....Αν δεν μπορείς να μασήσεις πάρε καμιά μασέλα.Ενοχλούμαι παρα πολύ απο εξυπνάκηδες σαν εσένα....
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